Graduate Work
Annotated Transcript
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
Vincent Van Gogh
Annotated Transcript
Fall 2016
CEP 810 Teaching Understanding with Technology
Instructor: Ron Houtman
This was one of my first two courses at Michigan State University (MSU) in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. Through this class I learned not only how to teach with technology, but also how to use technology to make myself a better teacher. Through this course I learned how to use technology to learn something new as a novice, which in turn helped me to better understand my students as learners. That was the beginning of learning about Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), which would be covered in future courses, as well. I also examined and began to work on building my professional learning network.
CEP 811 Adapting Innovative Technology to Education
Instructors: Stacy Schuh, Melissa White
This was the next of my first two courses at Michigan State University (MSU) in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. As an art teacher this class made so many connections for me, and really solidified the notion that I wanted to transform my current teacher-centered classroom into a student-centered Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) art studio. Through this class, I learned in depth about the maker movement in education and had the opportunity to learn about technology that enhances makerspaces. In addition to makerspaces, I learned about personalized learning, assessing creativity and how I might redesign my current classroom to reflect an artist’s studio.
Spring 2017
CEP 800 Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings
Instructor: Dr. Andrew Saltarelli
This class was all about learning and how people learn. I learned about schema and how it affects both novices and experts in positive and negative ways. I learned about learning transfer and how important it is help students make connections between what they are learning in school to the outside world. In addition, observational learning and how students learn both positive and negative things from observations. Lastly, I learned about how assessments affect learning.
CEP 812 Applying educational technology to practice
Instructor: Rachelle Galang, Alison Keller
Through this class I learned about the various structures of problems in education; well-structured, ill-structured and wicked problems. Then I worked in a small group to look at the wicked problem of personalized learning, again bringing me back to the importance of TAB. In addition to the structures of problems in education, I also learned about the information diet and how you can pop your filter bubble in order to have a healthy info diet. Lastly, I also learned about the importance of your passion quotient and curiosity quotient.
Summer 2017
CEP 820 Teaching Students Online
Instructors: Dr. Anne Heintz, Swati Mehta
This class could not have come at a better time, as I was preparing for maternity leave in the fall. Through this class, I learned about online learning and course management system (CMS). After reviewing some new CMS’s, as I was already familiar with Google Classroom, I designed a course using Schoology for my third-grade students to use while I was away from the art studio. Through this course, I was able to: set up lessons, create assignments and assessments, that my students would be able to use. I had a peer partner and we were able to test out and provide feedback on our CMS that we were creating.
CEP 822 Approaches to Educational Research
Instructors: Dr. David Wong, Cui Cheng, M. Lei, J. Westdall
Through this course I learned about conducting educational research and how to find quality educational articles. In addition, I learned the difference between quantitative and qualitative methods of research. Throughout the course I had to find ten high quality articles that focused on the impact that technology has on elementary students, and gain an understanding of how I could use technology to better the education of my students. Then I transferred my new knowledge from the research and made connections on how I could apply what I had learned into the elementary art studio.
Summer 2018
CEP 813 Electronic Assessment
Instructors: Candace Marcotte, Spencer Greenhalgh, Sarah Keenan-Lechel
This course focused on ways to assess electronically, with a focus on formative assessments. Through this course, I was able to design several assessments that I can use with my students; including an activity through SeeSaw and a game created on Twinery 2.0. In addition, I deepened my knowledge on assessment practices that were already in place in my art studio, such as, the use of student portfolios and feedback.
CEP 815 Technology and Leadership
Instructors: Dr. Diana Brandon, Amit Sharma
In this course I learned about leadership, different types of leaders and how to be a better leader. I created a leadership vision statement, that addressed students struggling to think creatively and making confident decisions about their artwork independently. I created a presentation that I gave at the Michigan Art Education Conference on using circuits in the elementary art studio. I also created a video presentation on technology, leadership and art through TPACK.
Fall 2018
CEP 818 Creativity in Teaching and Learning
Instructors: Dr. Andrea Zellner, Swati Mehta
Through this course I read the book Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People by Robert S. Root-Bernstien and Michele M. Root-Bernstien. I focused on Color Theory and really challenged myself as I created different activities that followed the chapters of the book. For example, in abstracting I created a haiku for monochromatic color schemes, and in Modeling & Dimensional Thinking, I focused on created a neighborhood where fourth grade students could play with making analogous color schemes.
Spring 2019
CEP 807 Capstone
Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Aric Gaunt
This was one of my last two courses at Michigan State University (MSU) in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program. In this course, I synthesized all that I have learned over the last three years, by creating three different artifacts; this annotated transcript, a showcase of work and three essays. These artifacts, plus more, are displayed on my online portfolio.
CEP 817 Learning technology through Design
Instructors: Bret Staudt Willet, Elizabeth Boltz
Through this course I learned about the design thinking process and following the steps of the Stanford Model of Design Thinking, I applied my learning to the problem of practice (PoP): Elementary art teachers are struggling to use technology in meaningful ways. Through this PoP, I created a presentation to help teachers plan and assess their use of technology in the art studio.